Ayuba Suleiman

Ayuba Suleiman Diallo (1701—1773), also known as Job ben Solomon, was a famous Muslim who was both a slave trader and a victim of the Atlantic slave trade. Born in Bundu, Senegal (West Africa), Ayuba’s memoirs were published as one of the earliest slave narratives, that is, a first-person account of the slave trade, in Thomas Bluett’s Some Memories of the Life of Job, the Son of the Solomon High Priest of Boonda in Africa; Who was enslaved about two Years in Maryland; and afterwards being brought to England, was set free, and sent to his native Land in the Year 1734. However, this version is not a first-person account. A first hand account of Ayuba’s capture by Mandinkas and eventual return home can be found in Francis Moore’s Travels into the Interior Parts of Africa.